Monday, October 5, 2009

Berenjenas Bonitas

Ah, beautiful eggplants - that deep purple shine, their coy green tops, their rubenesque curves... Eggplant, known as berengena here in Uruguay, has become one of my favorite vegetables. They are available year-round at the ferias and at grocery stores and are reliably good. I have cooked a ton of eggplant and have never had a bad one here. Their firm flesh, either cooked until just yielding easily to knife and fork or reduced down to a rich, earthy mush, can take on the flavor of any sauce. However, the eggplant is at its best when its own flavor is allowed to come through, as in my current favorite recipe for eggplant. This dish is never the same for me twice. Occasionally I will throw in some garlic or sun-dried tomatoes, or use basil if I don't have mint, sometimes it includes cherry tomatoes, sometimes not. It is a versatile dish which you can alternate endlessly according to what you have on hand, or your mood.

Buen Provecho.

2-3 medium size eggplants
Half of a white onion
15-20 cherry tomatoes
2 red bell peppers
8-10 ounces of feta cheese (I buy it at the Tienda Inglesa in Atlantida)
Balsamic vinegar
Olive oil
6-7 fresh mint leaves

Preheat oven to 375 ⁰F/ 190 ⁰C
Cut the unpeeled eggplants into half inch cubes. Slice the onion thinly from end to end into half moon shapes. Cut the red bell peppers into half inch squares.
Put half of the red bell pepper, the eggplant and the onion in a large bowl and toss them with approximately 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and toss again. Turn this mixture out onto an oiled, foil covered baking sheet and roast for approximately 30 minutes, until the eggplant is just slightly browned and tender, but not mushy.

While the eggplant is roasting, put the remaining red bell pepper into a large bowl. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half, lengthwise. Finely chop the mint and add it. In a small bowl, whisk about 3 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and about 2 tablespoons of olive oil with a touch of salt and pepper until slightly thick. Set this aside and wait for the eggplant to be done.

Once the eggplant is finished roasting, allow it to cool for 5-10 minutes, or as long as you can stand to wait. Toss it with the red bell pepper, cherry tomatoes and mint. Add the dressing and toss until everything is coated. Then crumble in the feta cheese and gently toss.
This salad does not look very pretty in the mixing bowl, but plated it looks fabulous.

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